Dermoscopy is a non-invasive, highly efficient method of recognising early melanoma and other skin cancers, using a piece of equipment called a dermatoscope.

Dermoscopy is a non-invasive, highly efficient method of recognising early melanoma and other skin cancers, using a piece of equipment called a dermatoscope.
What is dermoscopy?
Dermoscopy is a non-invasive, widely used method to help clinicians recognise early melanoma and other skin cancers using a piece of equipment called a dermatoscope. In trained users, it has been shown to improve the recognition of melanoma and reduce unnecessary excisions of benign lesions.
While all our GPs are trained in detecting early signs of skin cancer, we do have specialists in the field. Dr. Jean Gallagher in Ranelagh Medical in Dublin now offers full body skin checks, using a dermatoscope to assess any worrying moles or skin lesions. Dr. Gallagher has a keen interest in dermatology and has completed a post graduate Diploma in Practical Dermatology from Cardiff University, as well as a Certificate in Dermoscopy from Cardiff University.