Dr Paul O'Reilly
Home Health & Wellness Blog Dr. Paul O'Reilly to retire from both Centric Health and General Practice.

Dr. Paul O'Reilly to retire from both Centric Health and General Practice.

On New Years Eve Dr. Paul O'Reilly will retire from both Centric Health and General Practice.

News Article 22 Dec, 2021

Paul qualified from the Royal College of Surgeons in 1985 and after working in various Hospitals for a few years he eventually embarked on his career in General Practice in Dundalk on the 1st October 1988 with his late uncle Dr Frank O’Reilly and the late Dr Joe Danaher.

"These were the best years of my Medical Career. We worked hard and we laughed and looked after each other". This Partnership lasted for 10 years until Dr. O'Reilly's untimely death in 1998. Dr. Danaher continued to practice for another year before he himself retired, leaving Paul on his own in the Medical Centre on the Long Walk.

There began an extremely successful and happy Practice that lasted for 20 years.

Dr Paul joined us in Centric Health in 2017 and In late 2019 his Practice merged with that of Dr. Grace Kenny and Dr's Tom Hogan and Fiona Henry in the new state of the art Square Medical in the very heart of the Town.

"The change from my small fiefdom to moving into this big modern premises was remarkable. All the new Staff and having colleagues literally next door was fantastic. I embraced it and l loved it. I still do".

"I was taught at a young age by my parents to treat everyone with respect". That practice was nurtured and enriched in the College of Surgeons, by our Lecturers and Teachers. It is something l have practiced all my career, and as a consequence of this mutual respect l now consider a lot of my patients as friends. We are all on first name terms. I was never Dr.O'Reilly. It was always just Paul. That degree of friendship that l have with patients of mine is something of which l am particularly proud".

It is such a shame that the last two years have been blighted by this Pandemic. Please God this scourge will pass, and fade to memory. Not a nice way to finish my career.

But as already stated, time waits for no man and my time has come. I have sacrificed a lot over my career to run my Medical Practice. I have missed holidays, Weddings, Funerals, Family events, trips abroad and many other things because of my commitment to the Practice.

But l didn't mind because l loved it. I loved the people, the patients, my colleagues and particularly the wonderful Staff that l worked with over the years. Today we have a wonderful hard working Staff in the Square Medical. Before in the Long Walk l had Bernadette who retired 18 months ago, and Melissa without whom the Long Walk would not have functioned.

Lastly to my wife Criona who was the Cornerstone of the Practice, being the Practice Nurse, Practice Manager and my Life Coach and l will be forever indebted.

I would like to sincerely thank Centric Health for having faith in me and for taking me under their wing. I trust l have served them well and honourably.

But it is time to hang up my stethoscope. To hand the mantle on to the new young breed of GP's coming through. I hope they have learned something from us old GP's, like l learned from my elders.

Lastly l would like to thank all the patients whom l have dealt with over the years. For placing your trust in me and for believing in me and for allowing me to help you through illness, troubles, bereavements, births and to share in the innermost parts of your lives. We have laughed and cried together, thankfully mostly laughed. I hope l have not failed.

Thank you all for being part of my life these last 33 years. I will never forget. For me it has been one hell of a journey.

Thank you. Safe journey.

Dr.Paul - "or just Paul to us Townies" !!!