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Health & Wellness Blog

Elevate your wellbeing journey: Unveiling the secrets to vitality, balance and inner bliss through expert insights, inspiring stories and practical tips on our holistic health & wellness

News 26 Oct, 2023
Facing Reality: 8 ways to Cope with Denial 

Denial is a common human defense mechanism that helps us avoid facing uncomfortable truths or difficult emotions.

News 26 Oct, 2023
Headache or Migraine: Ways to Distinguish Between the Two

Headaches and migraines are often used interchangeably, but they are distinct conditions with varying causes, symptoms and treatments.

Magnesium rich food
News 24 Oct, 2023
Boost Your Health with Magnesium-Rich Foods 

Magnesium is a mighty mineral that plays a vital role in keeping your body healthy and happy. It helps your muscles work, makes your brain boost cognitive abilities and even results in stronger bones. But here is the kicker: your body cannot make magnesium on its own. So, it's up to you to get enough of this essential nutrient from your diet. 

Frustrated Women lost keys
News 24 Oct, 2023
Tired of forgetting where you put your Keys? 

10 Simple Hacks to Improve Focus and Memory 

Hypothyroidism in Older Woman
News 23 Oct, 2023
Hypothyroidism and Dementia Misdiagnosis as we age

 Why older people with a very underactive thyroid gland can sometimes be misdiagnosed as having dementia.

ADHD blackboard held by kid
News 10 Oct, 2023
Are Kids with ADHD really just Bold, Lazy and Badly Behaved?

Are Kids with ADHD really just bold, lazy and badly behaved?

Mental Health fitness mage
News 10 Oct, 2023
Mental Fitness: Get your head in the game

We often hear about the importance of physical fitness and how maintaining a healthy body improves our lifespan.   So while we can extend our life expectancy by improving our physical health, our mental fitness is fundamentally important if we also want to improve our quality of life.

News 03 Oct, 2023
Pouring From An Empty Cup? How to start filling it back up.

Many people feel exhausted, drained, angry, tired, and depressed by the end of the day. Fatigue can set in a few hours after getting up, and there isn’t enough coffee in the world to wake up fully. Everything you do is a struggle to complete and your once enthusiastic self doesn’t see joy in anything. 

Stressed young woman sitting on couch
News 01 Oct, 2023
Anxiety and Panic Overload

Everyone worries or gets scared sometimes. If you feel extremely worried or afraid much of the time, or if you repeatedly feel panicky, you may have an anxiety disorder. 

Tummy pain teenage young girl
News 26 Sep, 2023
Causes of Chronic Stomach Pain in Children (with Solutions!)

Chronic Stomach Pain in Children - Causes and Solutions

News 26 Sep, 2023
Why Sleep is incredibly important for children's development

Sleep is critically important for children for several reasons, as it plays a fundamental role in their physical, emotional, and cognitive development. Here are some key reasons why sleep is essential for children:

Woman Meditating in an office while 2 men try to distract her
News 22 Aug, 2023
Hacking Your Stress Response: Strategies for Resilience and Thriving

Life can be overwhelming, and stress is a natural response when faced with challenges. However, it doesn’t have to take over your life. In this post, we explore effective strategies to manage stress, build resilience and thrive in the face of adversity. Discover the inner workings of your stress response and learn how to hack it to improve your mental and physical health. Let’s dive in!