Home Centric Health Online

Centric Health Online

Changing the face of primary care

Dear Patient,

Online bookings, including booking of GP consultations, blood tests and other services are becoming available in Centric Health GP Practices nationwide. Currently available in the following practices:

  • Applewood Medical
  • Ballyowen Medical
  • Blackrock Medical
  • Blessington Medical
  • Celbridge Medical
  • Corbally Medical
  • Dundrum Medical
  • Finglas Medical
  • Hilltop Medical
  • Manor Mills Medical
  • Newbridge Medical
  • Old Bawn Medical
  • Raheny Medical
  • Ranelagh Medical
  • Terenure Medical
  • Trim Medical

You may have already received an email or SMS inviting you to get set up on our new "Centric Online" facility.  Please rest assured that we treat your data with the utmost care. The information you provide us is used solely to identify that you are indeed one of our patients, to facilitate online bookings and to send you information relevant to your appointments.

To start this process please click the "Setup Online" button below.

Setup Online

Note that registration is only available to pre-existing patients of our practices and we manually verify all applications.  We will continue to expand this facility throughout the rest of our practices so that it becomes easier to book, change and pay for your appointments.


Yours in health,


The Team at Centric Health